Portfolio > Photography

Black and white photograph of a run down shoe store downtown.
Black and white Photograph
Black and white photograph of a middle aged man with glasses
Black and White Photograph
Black and white photograph of a sign in spanish attached to a lampshade
Black and White Photograph
Black and white photograph of Brick townhouses in Boston
Black and White Photograph
Black and white photograph of a airplane passenger wearing a woven hat, with the airplane ceiling in the background.
Black and White Photograph
Black and White Photograph of cherry blossoms with sunlight filtering through the branches.
Black and White Photograph
Black and white photograph of two cousins at a family gathering sitting on the couch, not interacting, only paying attention to their cell phones.
Black and White Photograph
Black and white photograph of a brick porch with a blurred image of a man walking up some steps in the background.
Black and White Photograph
Black and white photo of two women, sisters, wispering secrets to each other on a bannister.
Black and White Photograph

There is something fascinating about the way light falls upon every day objects and moments. A small shadow, or splash of bright light can completely alter an atmosphere and mood as well as the actual shapes of the objects being observed. Although often overlooked, these shapes created by shadows and highlights are what allow our brains to register our surrounding environments. By capturing these variations in light through the lens has allowed a further development in Carolyn's painting ability through subtle manipulations of paint to depict images that may have been overlooked otherwise. Through this she has been able to capture every day moments in a new way, allowing the viewer to gain a deep sense of untold story.